Howdy from Barb (Barbara) Tomlin ~ Barb♥T♥USA is my personal brand for my presence online in the 21st Century. For over 30 years, I’ve defined myself by keywords. I have been online since 1981. A Baby Boomer, I was privileged to claim my seat early in the 20th Century technology revolutions of personal computing and online communications. I have generated revenue from my various artistic and intellectual endeavors for over 40 years. I am also a fourth-generation American entrepreneur, starting my first profitable venture at age 13.
Since we have migrated from keywords to tags in the social media space for the 21st Century, here are some of the tags I define myself by today: serial entrepreneur, small business advocate, geeky artist, integrated marketing guru, web media pundit, economic development researcher, digital nomad, one-on-one technology trainer, avatar handler, balloonist, and crowdfunding catalyst. Following are pages explaining some of my favorite personal tags: