
I signed on to for the first time on Thursday, August 20, 2015. It was a life-changing experience. All of a sudden I could see hope for the future in online communication and education. I immediately started researching the company and its plans for developing the platform. To help me get started in using Blab, I found this video uploaded to YouTube on August 17th by Sunny Lenarduzzi especially helpful.

Blog Posts and Articles on Getting Started on
Posts include insight on how to set up your account as well as how and why to transition from other online video streaming applications.

Blab.IM Early Adopters
From my first day on Blab, I have met some amazing live video show hosts. If you were active on, please check out and follow my Twitter List of Blab Early Adopters. If you should be on that list and aren’t, you can be added to it by tweeting your request directly to me on Twitter. If you are maintaining a Twitter list of Blab users, please let me know. I’d be happy to follow your list, too.

UPDATE: On Friday, June 17, 2016, Michael Stelzner announced the Social Media Examiner crew was abandoning Blab as a broadcasting platform for its weekly live-stream show. As far as I’m concerned this marked the end of that platform as a social media outlet. After that date, until Shaan Puri announced the end of the #blabbetaexperiment on August 12, it had become a social hang-out filled primarily with trolls and online curmudgeons.

As of April 2021, I was able to find some videos on YouTube that had originated on